Bimride Liability Coverage Policy for Drivers
Welcome to Bimride!
We’re delighted to have you as a driver on our platform. Before you proceed, please take a moment to
review and understand our liability policy outlined below. By clicking “Agree,” you acknowledge that you
have read, understood, and agreed to adhere to the terms and conditions stated herein.
Wherever the context so requires, “Bimride” shall mean Bimride Rideshare Limited incorporated pursuant
to the Companies Act, Cap. 308 of the Laws of Barbados as company number 52635.

  1. Driver Responsibility
    As a driver using the Bimride Taxi and Ride-hailing platform (“the platform and service”), you
    understand and agree that: – – – – – – – –
    You are the holder of a valid driver’s licence and will always maintain the validity of your licence
    while using the platform and service.
    You are solely responsible for your actions and behaviour while using the platform and service and
    will indemnify, Bimride, its employees, affiliates, heirs, successors and assigns from any liability for
    any claims, damages, liabilities, costs, or expenses arising out of or related to your use of the
    platform and service.
    You will operate your vehicle safely, responsibly, and in compliance with all applicable laws and
    regulations including road traffic laws, regulations, and directives applicable in Barbados.
    You will treat the users of the platform and service and your fellow drivers with respect; you will
    not engage in any aggressive, threatening, rude, racist, discriminatory, or unlawful behaviour
    including but not limited to harassment, sexual assault, misconduct, or wilful property damage.
    You will not attempt to remain in contact with customers of the platform and service post-trip
    without the consent of the customer save that such contact relates to the return of a lost or
    forgotten item.
    You will always maintain a reasonable physical distance between yourself and the customer,
    except where assistance is requested or reasonably required.
    You will not engage in any illegal activity which includes but is not limited to money laundering,
    the transport of illegal firearms or substances, drug or human trafficking or driving under the
    influence of drugs and/or alcohol.
    You will utilise your best efforts to maintain the safety of yourself, the customers and other road
  2. Vehicle Maintenance and Condition –
    You certify that the vehicle you use for the platform and service is well-maintained, roadworthy
    and meets all safety requirements as mandated by law. –
    You certify that you will keep your vehicle in a clean, hygienic and sanitary condition at all times.
  3. Insurance Coverage –
    It is your responsibility to ensure that your vehicle is in good condition and complies with any local
    regulations governing transportation services of the nature and type offered through the platform
    and service. –
    You acknowledge and agree that you are required to maintain valid and adequate insurance
    coverage for your vehicle, including but not limited to comprehensive liability insurance. Bimride
    may require proof of insurance coverage at any time, and failure to provide such proof may result
    in suspension or termination of your account.
  4. Indemnification –
    You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Bimride, its affiliates, officers, employees, and agents
    from any claims, damages, liabilities, costs, or expenses arising out of or related to your use of our
    platform or services. –
    This indemnification includes but is not limited to claims arising from accidents, injuries, property
    damage, or any other loss or harm resulting from your actions as a driver.
  5. Acknowledgement of Risks –
    You acknowledge that driving entails certain risks, including the risk of accidents, injuries, and
    property damage and you agree to always drive in such a manner as to avoid such risks and
    maintain the safety of yourself, the customers and other road users. –
    By using the Bimride platform, you voluntarily assume these risks and agree that Bimride shall not
    be liable for any losses or damages arising from such risks.
  6. Non-employment and driver enrolment –
    You acknowledge that by using the platform and service to connect with customers who are also
    users of the platform and service, you are not an employee of Bimride. Bimride provides a digital
    platform which facilitates a two-sided market to connect demand and supply for transportation
    services within the legal framework for the use of taxi and ride-hailing services in Barbados. –
    You agree that you are required to obtain and maintain all necessary licences and insurance for
    the provision of the services performed by drivers via the platform and service.
  7. Compliance with Policies –
    You agree to comply with all Bimride policies, including but not limited to our Terms of Service,
    Privacy Policy, and any additional guidelines or regulations governing driver conduct.
  8. Policy Amendments –
    You agree that Bimride may make amendments to its policies including this policy from time to
    time; you will be notified of any changes to any Bimride policy, and your continued use of the
    platform shall be deemed to be acceptance of the policy as so amended.
  9. Jurisdiction –
    You agree that this Liability Policy is subject to the laws of Barbados and submit to the exclusive
    jurisdiction of the Barbados courts.
    By signing up for on the driver app, you affirm that you have carefully read and understood the terms of this Liability Policy
    and agree to be bound by its provisions. If you do not agree with any part of this policy, please refrain from
    using our platform and service.
    Thank you for choosing Bimride. We appreciate your commitment to safety and responsibility.
    The Bimride Team